Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Nutrition in elderly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nutrition in elderly - Essay Example This population requires greater care as there are many reasons that lead to malnutrition in the elderly. These include different pathological conditions that restrict their dietary intake. The nutritional requirements of the elderly need to be assessed and explained so that this group of the population can be catered and the prevalence of malnutrition amongst the elderly can be reduced. Nutrition in Elderly Elderly people are subjected to the dilemma of malnutrition. Furthermore, efforts have been made to give them sufficient nutritional balance but there are still many hurdles that have stopped this process. First of all, the nutritional requirements of the elderly are sometimes not very well described. As the basal metabolic rate and lean body mass both decline as one grows old, the energy requirement of an older person per kilogram of his or her body weight also reduces. This process of ageing also adversely affects the different nutrient needs of the human body. For instance, as the requirements for some of the nutrients reduce over time, data suggests that other essential nutrients’ needs might further increase when a person gets old. Therefore, there is a pressing need to reconsider the currently recommended every day nutrient allowances for the elderly group. Additionally, there is a rising demand all across the world for guidelines by WHO which are capable to urge the national authorities to highlight the nutritional needs of the increasing elderly populations all over the world (BBC, 2012). Nutrition in elderly is therefore an important issue in nursing that needs to be understood as the nutritional requirements of the elderly are different from the other age groups. 1. Background Of The Issue a.) History Almost more than 1.4 million Americans who are above the age of sixty five reside in nursing homes according to the data collected by Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration on Aging in 2008. Nutrition does play a vital role in encouraging the health of elderly occupants of the nursing homes. Comprehending the facts about how these nursing homes cater the dietary and nutritional needs of their people can assist one in learning what to expect from them and also to look for a nursing home in the future (World Health Organization, 2012). b.) Advice for Interested People many federal and state regulations are there to help restrict serious nutrition problems from taking place in the nursing homes; but one should plan on taking a practical approach for the monitoring of the nutrient intake of the elderly. Whenever you are considering placing your elder one in a nursing home, you should talk to the staff about their nutritional program. Also, you should arrange for visiting on a meal time so that you can try the meal yourself as well. Then you can also review the facility’s procedure and policy manual which should exclusively explain the nutritional protocol and plan of the senior citizens home. N ow if you have any concerns, you can arrange for a meeting with the nutrition program director to discuss as well as solve any concerns you have regarding what your loved one is eating (World Health Organization, 2012). c.) Impact of Public Policy/Health care Delivery Nursing homes need to cater a wide range of healthy snacks and meals to their residents as well as sticking to the restrictions placed on the residents related to their diets. Those people who are not able to feed their own self need to be assisted by the staff. Weight loss and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Traffic Light Controller System Design

Traffic Light Controller System Design library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; Uncomment the following library declaration if using arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating any Xilinx primitives in this code. library UNISIM; use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity tlc is   Ã‚  Ã‚   Port ( sensor : in   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);    hr : out   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 downto 0) ;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   hg : out   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 downto 0) ;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   hy : out   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 downto 0) ;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   fr : out   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 downto 0) ;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   fg : out   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 downto 0) ;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   fy : out   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 downto 0) ); end tlc; architecture Behavioral of tlc is signal ts : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal tm : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal tl : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); type state_type is (s0,s1,s2); signal state : state_type; begin process (sensor) begin if sensor

Friday, October 25, 2019

Books Of The Canon :: Education Learning Teaching Essays

Books Of The Canon It is my contention that students do not read enough. Greater emphasis needs to be placed on reading at all levels of education, especially at the secondary and college level. Many authors from the text, The Presence of Others, discuss the importance of what has been labeled the canon. In this essay I will discuss some of their thoughts and feelings regarding the subject, and will propose a variation of how to change the curriculum. In addition to that, I will examine how I feel the intellectual level of the United States' populace needs expanding. Allan Bloom, Professor at the University of Chicago, claims in his book, The Student and the University, that what is lacking in education is that there is no vision of what an educated human being is. His solution centers around a college curriculum based on the Great Books. "In which a liberal education means reading certain generally recognized classic texts, . . . not forcing them into categories we make up, . . . but trying to read them as their authors wished them to be read."i He then goes on to state that he is aware of many of the objections to the Great Books cult. Some such stated arguments include, "If one only reads Great Books, one can never know what a great, as opposed to an ordinary, book is; and that there is no way of determining who is to decide what a Great Book or what the canon is."ii Although, he states that he agrees with these arguments, he concludes that the curriculum should be centered on the canon, in order to make the university a place of distinction. A professor of Education at UCLA, Mike Rose, argues against a curriculum based on the canon due to exclusionary tendencies. He states that many of his students, and many of the people described in his book, Lives on the Boundary, would not find their lives represented in such books. He Continues to state that ". . . if we move beyond content to consider basic assumptions about teaching and learning, a further problem arises, one that involves the very nature of the canonical orientation itself. The canonical orientation Encourages a narrowing of focus from learning to that which must be learned."iii If the sole agenda is that of a curriculum centered on the Great Books, Rose's point is well founded.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Advanced Nurse Practitioner Reimbursement

In 2002, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) brought before this house a report on the need to implement equal reimbursement strategy across the health sector (Edmunds, 2002). These report aimed at addressing the unbalanced reimbursement practice experienced by NPs, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse midwives and assistant physicians (Edmunds, 2002).Essentially, the report recommended that the Medicare payment rates for certified nurse-midwives be raised by 85% of the physician fee schedule (Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, 2002). The congress members overwhelmingly voted positively for this bill (Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, 2002).The intent of this statement today is to invite congress members here present to review the said recommendation. In particular, this statement wishes to go an extra mile to assert that Medicare payment rates for advanced practicing nurses (APNs) should not be gauged by the physician’s payment schedule.AnalysisThe percentage rate reflected in the previous recommendation mentioned above limits the APNs from get what they truly deserve. It is imperative, therefore, to recognize that the role of APNs has evolved tremendously for the better so this nation needs to treat their service with the authenticity it deserves.Gone are the days when they worked under the supervision of the physicians. Do congress members here present believe that APNs’ role is meant for the physicians’ such that the former serve as their servants? Is it not so that APNs role is meant for the health and safety of many generations to come?Therefore, their reimbursement process should be dealt with as an end in itself and the agreed payment rates must assume a 100% judgment. This means that they should get reimbursed as per their input; how this house will settle for their just reimbursement should only be guided by the efforts being put by APNs.This way the members of this house will not only effect a just com pensation procedure but they will also recognize the great improvement that has taken place in this nation. Moreover, most Americans continue to benefit from their quality and cost-effective services.In the past physicians dominated in services like diagnosing illness, describing and interpreting laboratory tests, performing physical check ups, suturing wounds and designing preventive health service programs (Sekscenski et al. 1994). Today, the APNs can provide such services in the absence of the physician.Please note that this is not because the physician have got lots of other things to do, no; the bottom line is that APNs healthcare practitioners have really grown and improved in skill.APNs mark a remarkable growing share of the health care provider workforce. It is believed that the number of certified and practicing nurses has risen from approximately 60,000 in 19992 to 124,000 in 2000 (AAPA, 2001). Others in support of this statistics are (Spratley et al. 2000; Moses, 1992). O n the contrary the number of active physicians grew by 27%, to 772,000, on the same period (Cooper et al., 2002)It is important to bring to the attention of this house that the fact that the APNs can handle complicated health matters without the direct supervision of physicians has saved this nation many lives worth much more than the would-be reimbursement.Even if this house agreed to reimburse the APNs as much money as many cannot imagine, it cannot replace the value of their services and the value of the citizens’ health safety. Additionally, the APNs have a legal duty to practice independently or in association with a physician, therefore, they are entitled to a direct reimbursement.The report noted that physicians got paid100% of the physician fee schedule rate excluding any differentiation by specialty (Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, 2002). Now all other nonphysician practitioners get remunerated as per the physician schedule.This without the fear of contradictio n implies that physicians enjoy from where they have not labored. Once again, this statement re-states that APNs ought to have an authentic payment schedule and the features to it must be separated from those of the physicians at all times.Conclusion Overall, this nation recognizes the good judgments exhibited by the congress members in the many decades ago. The caution and positive consideration they have demonstrated in shaping the history of this nation’s health sector is laudable.In the same spirit, the APNs fraternity is out there waiting for a positive consideration in this matter. It is important to keep in mind that health matters are very sensitive. It is among those services that must be available to the people no matter the cost.Therefore, consideration of a better reimbursement as suggested in front of this house will lead to this end. This congress cannot fail to take this matter seriously.To sum up, this statement invites the congress members here present to con sider the following: (a)  Ã‚  Ã‚   Separation of physicians’ roles from those of the Advanced Practicing Nurses (nonphysicians). (b)  Ã‚   Medicare payment rates for advanced practicing nurses (APNs) not to be gauged by the physician’s payment schedule.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Should music file servers on the Internet should be shut down?

This assignment is all about persuasive writing, putting a controversial subject in matter and weighing up all the different viewpoints so I can make a final conclusion on the matter. I am going to write about the controversial matter of Napster and any other file sharing programs used over the Internet to swap music between computers. People send songs over the Internet to other people who can hear them for free once downloaded whenever they like with the recording artist and every other benefactor of record sales losing out. Should music file servers on the Internet should be shut down? Introduction Within the last decade computers have become very important to our lives and home computers, PC's, have become commonplace in most households. The internet has also been going from strength to strength, millions upon millions of people all round the world log on everyday to search for information, send e-mails, talk to people in different countries and a whole lot more. But within the last 3 or 4 years, file servers such as Napster, WinMX and Morpheus to name a few have sprung up allowing people to download their favourite songs straight to their computer without having to pay a penny. Record companies have been unhappy with this and are seeking legal action at the moment, while many people are rejoicing at the concept of free music. What I'm trying to do in this assignment is consider all the views and arguments of both sides and write down my viewpoints on the matter. The downfall of the record industry?! Record companies and artists have been in legal battles recently with file sharing servers such as Napster over the past year or two. They feel that these file sharing servers are illegal and should be shut down, firstly because these are copies of their albums and singles which are being spread about all over the Internet, which is piracy therefore illegal. Secondly people downloading these files aren't paying for these songs, so they are not supporting the music business which is having to manufacture and spend millions on making these records. Thirdly they feel that the increasing number of people using these servers will result in the downfall of the music industry altogether. The record companies just want to make sure that they will have a future, the same with artists but by the looks of it even artists losing their recording contracts wont hurt their futures much as the trend of singers and musicians moving into other celebrity occupations is on the rise such as tv presenter and so on. The record business sees this as a major threat to them, even more than radio, which could be taped off but never had such an impact such as the Internet. They are trying their hardest legally to shut down the music file servers. I don't really believe why the record companies are taking it so far, I don't see them losing out so much anyway because it is a billion dollar business after all. Maybe they should just hope it fades away after a while which I think it will do. Money, Money, Money Many people disagree with the record companies when they say its ‘the downfall of the music industry' because they feel that

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

P.T.S.D. The Cause and Cure

P.T.S.D. The Cause and Cure Gamez 1David GamezMarch 4, 2014ENG 354Short EssayP.T.S.D.-Cause and CurePosttraumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder, which may occur after an individual has undergone extreme emotional trauma that involved the threat of injury or death. The cause is unmistakable. For those individuals of Jewish decent in Europe during the early to mid 20th century, the Holocaust was deemed the leading source for PTSD. In a world full of pain and suffering, torture, rape, malnutrition, disease, filth, death-in a world full of darkness, it becomes extremely arduous to distance oneself from an inescapable reality. The trauma left many silent, some by death, others because they felt language had betrayed them. Language simply seemed insufficient to express the horrors the victims experienced while encompassed in "darkness". What words could possibly describe the reality of the experiences? Words themselves became suspected, doubted. For many, silence overcame their story, and they took it to the ir grave.Regions of the brain affected by PTSD and stress.This was not the case for the old woman in And The Rat Laughed. In Nava Semel's, And The Rat Laughed, the old woman successively alleviates the pain from her traumatic reality by resorting to the art of story telling.The cure, according to psychiatrists, is psychotherapy, or "talk" therapy. The kind of psychotherapy seen in And The Rat Laughed is exposure therapy, and it involves using mental imagery, writing and/or revisiting the event where the trauma occurred in order to reduce the fear associated with the trauma.After a long life of silence, the old woman struggles to contain the pain, and against much resistance (supplied by her own will), she acquiesces to a request from her granddaughter asking her to recount the truth of her survival story. However, the storytelling does not begin instantaneously. The first page of the novel...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Gratitude as a Ritual Expressing Thanks on Thanksgiving

Gratitude as a Ritual Expressing Thanks on Thanksgiving What do you think of when you think of â€Å"rituals†? For me, the word conjures up Shabbat dinners, Passover seders, and lighting the Hannukah menorah. Growing up in a Jewish household, we observed these rituals at the proper time on the calendar, and I always found they were an opportunity to take a step back from the other routines of life and reflect on the theme of the holiday. With Thanksgiving coming, many of us are preparing for a popular ritual: A big dinner, likely comprised of turkey (or Tofurkey), cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie, amongst other goodies. In the air is a general sense that the theme is gratitude. But do you actually take time to express your gratitude on Thanksgiving, or do you just stuff yourself silly? And do you find yourself uplifted during this season, or like so many, do sadness and anxiety creep in? Expressing Thanks on Thanksgiving In my family, we usually go around the Thanksgiving table at some point and each say something we’re grateful for. I like this ritual. Expressing gratitude is scientifically proven through positive psychology research to increase happiness. It gives us a sense of our own goodness (it’s sure more self-affirming than complaining!) as well as a recognition of the good things around us. I have noticed that there’s often a level of discomfort in expressing gratitude publicly, even amongst family. But everyone still does it and I always feel more connected with the family after we express our gratitude. People often give thanks for food and health, for something that has happened in the past, or for being safe given specific world events. This year, the sense of gratitude will be very real given that I will be with my sister’s in-laws who have family in Puerto Rico. It occurs to me that there is also a deeper level we can reach: a direct personal expression. I’m inspired this year to bring a deeper aspect of gratitude to our Thanksgiving ritual. A New Gratitude Ritual? There’s a video series on the Science of Happiness that came out in 2013 and that for some reason I just saw for the first time last week. The experiment in the video was based, I believe, on research by Martis E.P. Seligman, who found that people who wrote and delivered letters of gratitude exhibited a huge increase in happiness compared to a control group. In the video, individuals were asked to write a letter to a person who influenced them and then to read it to that person. Before and after the exercise, their happiness was tested. Overall, there was a strong trend toward more happiness after the individuals read their letters to their recipients. This has me thinking, what if we take time this Thanksgiving to appreciate someone in the room who has made a difference in our lives, in addition to the standard things we’re grateful for? To me, that will make for an even more memorable Thanksgiving and will likely start out my holiday season- and the holidays of anyone who participates- with a higher happiness quotient. What’s in Your Gratitude Basket? What are you grateful for this holiday season? Who will be at your Thanksgiving table to whom you want to offer gratitude for the way they’ve influenced your life? Are you willing to go the extra step to express your feelings to them? And if you won’t be with someone who fits that category, would you be willing to write a letter and read it to the recipient? Let’s get the gratitude ball rolling, and bring it into all aspects of our lives. Into our home, our relationships, and our workplaces. The science shows we’ll all have more well-being, motivation, and overall success. In that spirit, thank you for reading my blog week after week, letting me know I make a difference, and inspiring me to bring my thoughts and creativity to life. You give me a weekly boost in my own gratitude and happiness. Thank you and enjoy your Thanksgiving ritual! Did you enjoy this article? Sign up for my Life and Leadership e-list for more inspiring articles like this one.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Cómo sacar el pasaporte americano por primera vez

Cà ³mo sacar el pasaporte americano por primera vez Los ciudadanos sin pasaporte americano deberà ­an solicitarlo ya que este  documento no sà ³lo garantiza su regreso a los Estados Unidos en los casos de viajes internacionales sino que, adems, es un documento que sirve para  acreditar  la ciudadanà ­a y la identidad. Por esas razones es muy conveniente sacarlo tan pronto como se pueda. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre quà © documentos presentar, dà ³nde solicitarlo, el caso especial de los menores, quà © hacer en caso de extraviar el pasaporte y quà © otros documentos pueden utilizarse en algunos controles migratorios. Dà ³nde hay que presentarse cuando se solicita por primera vez el pasaporte americano Cuando se solicita el pasaporte americano por primera vez dentro de los Estados Unidos, es necesario hacerlo en persona en una Agencia de Pasaportes o en una Oficina Autorizada  y presentando los documentos que se especifican en el siguiente apartado. Si se solicita en el extranjero es necesario hacer una cita con la embajada americana o con el consulado que corresponda segà ºn el lugar de residencia del solicitante. Por ejemplo, el caso de un nià ±o que nace en otro paà ­s pero que adquiere la ciudadanà ­a americana por derecho de sangre. En estos casos, cada oficina consular sigue sus propias reglas sobre cà ³mo hacer la cita, pero los documentos a presentar son en todas partes los mismos y son los que se detallan a continuacià ³n. Documentos para sacar el pasaporte americano por primera vez Deber completarse correctamente  el formulario DS-11Probar que se es ciudadano de EEUU (certificado de nacimiento,  naturalizacià ³n o cualquier otro documento que sirve para acreditar la ciudadanà ­a)Probar con documentos legales admisibles el nombre de la persona (licencia de matrimonio, licencia de manejar...)Entregar una foto de pasaporte de menos de seis meses de antigà ¼edad a color Reglas para sacar el pasaporte de USA que aplican a menores de edad Solicitar pasaportes americanos para nià ±os tiene reglas especiales sobre presencia del menor y de los padres. Deber aportarse el Nà ºmero de Seguridad Social de al menos uno de los padres.  Y si sà ³lo un padre tiene la custodia del menor, deber acreditarse tal hecho mediante un documento, por ejemplo, certificado de viudedad, decreto de divorcio, etc. Tipos de tarifa para solicitar pasaporte americano Su costo final va a depender de la edad del solicitante y de si se pide una tramitacià ³n urgente o no y de si se pide conjuntamente con una tarjeta de pasaporte.  Aquà ­ se especifican todas las opciones de costo del pasaporte. Tiempo de tramitacià ³n Generalmente se tarda entre 4 y seis semanas en renovar el pasaporte pero puede pagarse una tarifa de $60 dà ³lares para acelerar el proceso a apenas una semana. Adems, si existiera una emergencia, se puede tramitar de urgencia. Pà ©rdida o extravà ­o de pasaporte americano Si le roban su pasaporte americano o si lo pierde debe notificarlo inmediatamente de la siguiente manera: A Embajada o el consulado correspondiente, si el titular del pasaporte americano se encuentra en el extranjeroPor el contrario, si est en Estados Unidos, por telà ©fono marcando al 1-877-487-2778, de lunes a viernes de 8am a 10 pm hora de la costa Atlntica (E.T.).Tambià ©n es posible completando el formulario DS-64y envindolo a la direccià ³n que en à ©l aparece.Por à ºltimo, si se desea obtener un nuevo pasaporte, entonces deber acudir en persona con el formulario DS-64 y DS-11 a una Oficina Autorizada o a una Agencia de Pasaportes. No notificar la pà ©rdida del pasaporte puede ser un gran quebradero de cabeza ya que puede dar lugar a situaciones de robo de identidad. Verificacià ³n del estado de tramitacià ³n del pasaporte Puede chequear el estado de la tramitacià ³n de su pasaporte en la pgina oficial del Departamento de Estado. En todos los asuntos oficiales, como por ejemplo, este de solicitar el pasaporte, es fundamental asegurarse de que se utilizan pginas oficiales del gobierno, las cuales tienen la extensià ³n .gov Tips para la renovacià ³n del pasaporte Cuando expire el pasaporte, puede renovarse por correo siempre y cuando se cumplan ciertos requisitos, como que el pasaporte expirado està © en buen estado. Tambià ©n es importante la edad del solicitante y si se trata o no de la primera renovacià ³n de pasaporte que se realiza de adulto. Por otro lado  y a diferencia de lo que ocurre con los residentes permanentes los ciudadanos pueden residir en el extranjero por el tiempo que asà ­ lo deseen. No hay là ­mites legales. Si el pasaporte expira estando fuera de los Estados Unidos, la renovacià ³n se puede hacer a travà ©s de consulados y embajadas. Documentos para acelerar paso por control migratorio para regresar a USA El pasaporte se puede utilizar en todo tipo de pasos migratorios para ingresar a los Estados Unidos. Adems, en casos muy particulares como tipo de frontera y edad del ciudadano, se pueden utilizar otros documentos  que conviene conocer. Adems  los ciudadanos americanos pueden participar en programas que permiten un ingreso ms rpido cuando se regresa a Estados Unidos, las reglas son diferentes segà ºn el tipo de frontera y lugar de llegada. Nexus: entre Canad y Estados UnidosGlobal Entry o APC cuando se llega por aeropuertoSENTRI para el cruce por frontera terrestre o marà ­tima de Mà ©xico a Estados Unidos.   Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Controlling Organized Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Controlling Organized Crime - Essay Example This can lead to vast problems such as destabilizing different economies and interference in public processes by buying way through elections and putting corrupt officials in charge. Organized crime has spread its wings all over the world; illegal items might be exported from one country to another, and then sold in a third. This has really weakened the system and has created problems not only for the governments, but for the local people as well. (Organized Crime) Organized crime can cause serious socio-economic problems in whichever country it is operating. Violence is one of the major issues related to this. Crime kingpins will do whatever they can to protect their empire, and included in this is the use of violence, which usually involves firearms. Normally, these crime families are trying to kill the competition, so their aggression is pointed towards each other. But innocent victims get caught in the crossfire, and hundreds of casualties occur due to this. Moreover, these acts of violence are also used against the local population, in order to scare them and make them live in fear, so that the criminals can establish their control in a region. Illegal trafficking of drugs such as marijuana, heroin and cocaine, as discussed earlier, is also practiced by organized crime, and has caused serious issues everywhere. It is the main focus of the mafia, and their main source of income. Due to this marketing of said drugs, incidents of assails, homicides, and stealing property are not uncommon at all. These acts of violence are mainly results of tussle of control over regions between two crime families, or individuals trying to purchase drugs and make their way into this market. The consequences of this massive drug trade are not just limited to this; due to drug trafficking all over the world, a larger number of people are now suffering from adverse health effects of these drugs, which includes HIV. Other than the illegal drug trade, organized crime has found its way into the financial structure of different countries, and is harming it at an alarming rate. Credit card and mortgage fraud are the most ordinary of these crimes, and are practiced at a superior rate. Securities fraud such as crimes in the stock market and frauds related to marketing schemes such as telemarketing fraud ruin the lives of individuals and investors. For example, in some third world countries, due to the presence of land mafia and other several fraudulent cases, investors suffer from heavy losses, and less likely to continue their projects there. Money laundering is heavily practiced by many criminal organizations and it has planted a big dent on economic structures, worldwide. Money laundering normally comprises the use of a number of financial facilities such as banks, exchange and insurance companies etc. that can have adverse reactions on a number of institutions. As a result, services of lawyers, accountant and investment brokers are required, who accidentally o r on purpose assist the laundering process. Criminal organizations are capable of controlling financial systems and bribe corrupt officials of private or public institutions to aid with money laundering. This damages the financial structure of a region and also investors and the people lose confidence in the involved financial institutions. (Socio-economic Harms of Organized Crime) Many criminals organizations are said to have established working relations with law enforcement agencies. The system becomes

Friday, October 18, 2019

Team Working and Team Leadership are just 'idealised' managerial and Essay

Team Working and Team Leadership are just 'idealised' managerial and orthodox OB textbooks aspirations - Essay Example 16). According to Mullins in Original Emphasis, leadership is defined as ‘a relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or actions of other people.’ Mainly, there are two schools for the leadership, while one states that â€Å"good leaders are made not born† and the other states that â€Å"good leaders are born not made.† The two schools have their own supporting cases to claim that they are right. But in any situation the most important element of leadership is communication. Proper communication through any mode between leader and followers will make the process easy. The leadership is a quality achieved by desire and willpower. Endless process of self-study, education, training and experience is necessary for effective leadership. Here is one best example from an academic review about effective leadership. It states that â€Å"leader should primarily work through and with other people. In addition, effective leader should also help in establishing the conditions that enable their subordinates to be motivated and effective part of the organisation and the society. Aside from this, it can also be said that an effective leader should also credible. Credibility should always be considered as the foundation of  leadership. A leader should be credible for him to lead. Furthermore, to become a good leader, one must be honest, competent, aspiring and have the quality of having forward-looking approach.  In line with the political and business view, effective leadership proves to be quite beneficial. Effective leaders aids in efficiently meeting job-related demands. In addition, it also helps in creating higher-performing teams, as well as fostering renewed loyalty and commitment among the subordinates. However, this so-called effective leadership is not that easy to achieve. Effective leaders entail a lot of hard work, dedication, and other factors to mould an individual to become an efficient leader and to become a greater part of the success of the organisation† (Leadership Case Problem – Latham’s Leadership Lessons Leadership & Management 2011). Some leaders are getting best results from their team members or from the followers while some of them getting poor efforts. This is happening not only because of the poor employee skills, different kinds of leadership techniques and styles also have a part in it. These are the all things that we can understand from the orthodox text book aspiration of the Organizational Behavior Studies. But in reality, the management is always ends up with dissatisfied work groups and frustrated team leaders. Problems in Team Working: The main reason behind this is individual dysfunctional conflicts which decrease the creativity as well as productivity of the company. Working under poor leadership can be too frustrating and intimidating. If the team members are not confident about their leader what they should do? Certainly they will not be mot ivated or inspired by the leader’s activity. The important dysfunctional activities found in corporate are defensiveness, reluctance, romantic idealism, loss of confidence and disrespect. Some other problems in Team work are, Self Centeredness: Self centeredness is nothing but selfishness. These people always think about themselves only and that damages the interest of team. The solution for this problem is selflessness. The solution is not

Arguments against abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Arguments against abortion - Essay Example Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be declared to be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or a sovereign." The aspect of abortion has been in vogue for centuries in all parts of the world and debated for and against ever since. While individuals arguing for abortion have been insistent on certain safety related issues and also often alleged business related factors, aspects against abortion too have various and even more credible grounds including religious, medical, legal, ethical and so on. While abortion is definitely a favourable decision in case of a medical emergency whereby at least the mother's life can be saved, in today's world abortion has actually become a matter of choice on various counts, and unfortunately, even a family planning tool. Across the country, people on both sides of abortion debate agree that women have a right to make informed decisions about their pregnancy. Women have a right to know what is right, safe and good for them and the child in the long run ethically, morally, medically and even psychologically. However, in honest opinion of this author, there are certain critical issues involved when terminating a pregnancy willingly, which may affect her for a long time. While there are adequate instances of medical practitioners and employers advising women regarding terminating pregnancies purely to save them monetarily through savings on maternity benefits, the abortion decision should not be taken under pressure from the employers. Unfortunately, even this happens far too often in modern world. "Coercive and unethical counselors lie to vulnerable women and pressure them. This has happened in some abortion clinics as well as some pregnancy care centers. Women have died from botched abortions, both before abortion was legalized and after, when it is supposed to be safe. After all, employers do not want to pay for maternity benefits or lose productivity when a mother takes time off to care for a newborn or sick child. "(Source: Feminists for Life, Serrin M. Foster, 1999) WHAT RELIGION SAYS Bible doesn't advocate anything against abortion for the basic reason that abortion was unthinkable in those days when a child was considered to be a gift from the god. Further, childlessness was seen as the greatest curse. Hence, there was no need to mention this aspect at all in the bible. However, "some verses appear to teach that if a woman gives birth prematurely, but the baby is not injured, then only a fine is appropriate. However, if the child dies then the law of retaliation (lex talionis) should be applied. In other words, killing an unborn baby would carry the same penalty as killing a born baby. A baby inside the womb has the same legal status as a baby outside the womb." (Arguments Against Abortion, Kerby Anderson, President of Probe Ministries International, 1997) Roman Catholicism: The popes have taught that abortion is

Buildings Analysis Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Buildings Analysis Project - Essay Example .....................†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.8 Function†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....................................................................................................9 Bas-Relief†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..............................................................................................†¦...9 Conclusion....................................................................................................................10 References†¦...............................................................................................................11 Angkor Wat, Cambodia Introduction Angkor Wat is a temple complex at Angkor, Cambodia which was built in the 12th century for king Suryawarman II as a temple dedicated to him and also as the symbol of the capital city. It is the only temple surviving among all other temples dedicated to Hindu deities in the region because it is the best preserved site. It was first dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu and then it was turned into a Buddhist temple. The temple is at the top of the high classical style of Khmer architecture making it a national symbol for Cambodia; it is also the most important tourist spot of the country. Some of the features are similar to the famous Hindu architecture of the temples. Some of the other salient features are the extensive rectangular galleries each of which is raised above the next level. The three areas of architectural analysis are material and structure, bas relief and function of the building. Material and Structure The temple stands on a terrace raised higher than the city. Three rectangular galleries rise to a central tower, each level higher than the last. One gallery is dedicated to one particular god. Each gallery has a gopura at each point and there are towers at the corners of the inner galleries which forms a quincunx with the central tower. The features are oriented with their back eastwards as the temple faces west. The west facing steps are shallower than the other side. The outer gallery measures 40250 sq m in area with pavilions towers at the corners. The structure is buttressed by columned half-galleries which are extended throughout and are open to the outside temple. The galleries and the towers, all are made according to the Khmer architecture with Khmer inscriptions throughout the gallery walls. There are four ponds for fulfilling the water requirement of the building which are currently dry and look like as if they were courtyards. The second and inner galleries are connected to each other and to two flanking libraries by another cruciform terrace, again a later addition. Devatas abound on the walls are present both singly and in groups of up to four; it starts from the second level. If we trace the history it is revealed that the second level was originally flooded in the past due to the ocean around Mount M eru. The stairways are very deep but it does not represent the architecture, it is related to the religious aspect of the architecture of the building as the stairways are made steep to depict the difficulty for ascending to the gods. The walls feature statues and bas reliefs which will be discussed later. Various materials are used in the buildings, which include Brick, Sandstone and Laterite. These materials signify the Khmer architecture. The earliest Angkorian temples were made mainly of brick, decorations were usually carved into a stucco applied

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Coursework 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

1 - Coursework Example 3. Using the data from the Venn Diagram below, 7 movies on DVD had fights but not explosions or car crashes. ( U = {movies on DVD collection}, C = {movies with car crashes}, F = {movies with fights}, E = {movies with explosions}) 4. (a) Since we have 3 sets in discussion, the membership table that we shall be using requires 23=8 rows. Each of these rows represents a unique combination of possible membership values. (1 = the element is a member of the corresponding set, 0 = the element is not a member) To find out if the two sets A U (B ∠© C) and A ∠© (B U C) are equal, we look at their corresponding columns and see if corresponding rows have the same values. The membership table clearly shows that the 5th and 7th columns do not have the same entries in corresponding rows, thus the two sets are not equal. This example seems to contradict the previous conjecture that A U (B ∠© C) and A ∠© (B U C) are not equal. However, as we can see from the membership table, this example simply illustrates one of the cases when the two sets are

Flash mob Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Flash mob - Essay Example Therefore, the characters involved in actions are seen making calls and later on engaging in a group dance that begins with a single person. The film shows a group of people in different age sets getting amused by the dancers and eventually joining the group (Life’s for Sharing). Since the dancing style is similar amongst all the members, the Life’s for Sharing video evokes an understanding that everybody has importance; thus, the society should seek to relate with them happily. Another entertaining flash mob video that communicates its effect as desired to the society is the BouncE Streetdance Co. video, which is shot in Stockholm. The video- â€Å"Michael Jackson Dance Tribute† draws the attention of the Stockholm community as it involves many youths from different races. The message drawn from the flash mob film is that the legendary singer was a social icon and his life in the entertainment revolved around ethical communication to suit every group of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Coursework 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

1 - Coursework Example 3. Using the data from the Venn Diagram below, 7 movies on DVD had fights but not explosions or car crashes. ( U = {movies on DVD collection}, C = {movies with car crashes}, F = {movies with fights}, E = {movies with explosions}) 4. (a) Since we have 3 sets in discussion, the membership table that we shall be using requires 23=8 rows. Each of these rows represents a unique combination of possible membership values. (1 = the element is a member of the corresponding set, 0 = the element is not a member) To find out if the two sets A U (B ∠© C) and A ∠© (B U C) are equal, we look at their corresponding columns and see if corresponding rows have the same values. The membership table clearly shows that the 5th and 7th columns do not have the same entries in corresponding rows, thus the two sets are not equal. This example seems to contradict the previous conjecture that A U (B ∠© C) and A ∠© (B U C) are not equal. However, as we can see from the membership table, this example simply illustrates one of the cases when the two sets are

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Cowgirl Chocolates Case Essay Example for Free

Cowgirl Chocolates Case Essay 1. Synopsis The case of Cowgirl Chocolates is about a small chocolate producer, Cowgirl Chocolates, and the businesses owner/artist Marilyn Lysohir dilemma with how and why her business venture wasn’t profitable. Marilyn expresses her love for making award winning hot and spicy chocolates. She also discusses her hold up on different products, their packaging, and her disliking of using distributors. Marilyn doesn’t know why she isn’t making a profit, and the problem isn’t with her chocolates, it’s her lack of trust for others and her impulsiveness on making the company more of an art than a chocolate company. 2. SWOT Analysis Strengths * Award-winning chocolates (p.66) * Variety of Chocolates, and other sweets (p.67) * Her and her husband Ross’ artistic ability (p.66) * Cowgirl Chocolates ad (p.66) Weaknesses * Distribution (p.72 p.77) * Packaging (p.71) * Cowgirl Chocolates outlets and vendors (p.73) * Lack of knowledge analyzing financial reports (p. 76) * Give-a-ways and a surplus in inventory (p. 75-76) Opportunities * Chile Pepper Magazine (p.66) * Holiday customer promotion deals (p 68 p.76) * Military PX stores (p.71) * Local favorite (p. 72) Threats * Seattle Chocolates * Customer demand * Cowgirl Chocolate Ad * Distributor and Packager’s fees (p.72-74) * Low sales in certain cities (Seattle and San Francisco) (p.73) 3. Overcoming weaknesses with strengths Page 77 exhibit 4 puts Cowgirl Chocolate’s financial problems on display. The company’s expenses were $31,423 for cost of sales, and an additional $53,447 for total expenses out weighs the company’s low revenue, which stood at $30,046 for the year 2000. Exhibit 5 on page 78 also illustrates that Cowgirl is negative $5,051.15 in net profit after taxes. I feel that an easy way to cut some company expenses would to not travel to as many trade shows. I understand Cowgirl is trying to spread the word about their trophy chocolates, but there are other means in publicizing and advertising that are cheaper. Cowgirl spent $5,786 for travel, which includes airfare, lodging, meals, and gas. They also spent an additional $6,423 on trade shows, which includes give-a-ways. I know that trade shows are very important and needed for candy companies, but having two artist collaborate on designing the chocolates along with two award-winning products should showcase the brands credibility. That being said, if you know you have something good and your not making money on it, stop spending on unneeded expenses.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Celts Religion And Society Religion Essay

The Celts Religion And Society Religion Essay The Celts are traditionally ignored in world history textbooks and course, but the Celtic way of life, Celtic institutions, and the Celtic world view were superimposed onto Germanic and classical culture. The later monolithic European culture is greatly influenced by these early peoples. Most of what we know about Celtic life comes from Ireland-the largest and most extensive of the Celtic populations, the Gauls in central and western Europe, we only know about through Roman sources-and these sources are decidedly unfriendly to the Gauls. We know that the early Celtic societies were organized around warfare-this structure would commonly characterize cultures in the process of migration: the Celts, the Huns, and later the Germans. Although classical Greek and Roman writers considered the Celts to be violently insane, warfare was not an organized process of territorial conquest. Among the Celts, warfare seems to have mainly been a sport, focussing on raids and hunting. In Ireland, the institution of the fianna involved young, aristocratic warriors who left the tribal area for a time to conduct raids and to hunt. When the Celts came into contact with the Romans, they changed their manner of warfare to a more organized defense agains a larger army. It was these groups that the classical writers encountered and considered insane. The Celtic method of warfare was to stand in front of the opposing army and scream and beat their spears and swords against their shields. They would then run headlong into the opposing army and s creamed the entire way-this often had the effect of scaring the opposing soldiers who then broke into a run; fighting a fleeing army is relatively easy work. If the opposing army did not break ranks, the Celts would stop short of the army, return to their original position, and start the process over agina. Celtic society was hierarchical and class-based. Tribes were led by kings but political organizations were remarkably plastic. According to both Roman and Irish sources, Celtic society was divided into three groups: a warrior aristocracy, an intellectual class that included druids, poets, and jurists, and everyone else. Society was tribal and kinship-based; ones ethnic identity was largely derived from the larger tribal group, called the tuath (too-awth) in Irish (meaning people) but ultimately based on the smallest kinship organizational unit, the clan, called the cenedl (ke-na-dl), or kindred, in Irish. The clan provided identity and protection-disputes between individuals were always disputes between clans. Since it was the duty of the clan to protect individuals, crimes against an individual would be prosecuted against an entire clan. One of the prominent institutions among the Celts was the blood-feud in which murder or insults against an individual would require the entire clan to violently exact retribution. The blood-feud was in part avoided by the institution of professional mediators. At least an Ireland, a professional class of jurists, called brithem, would mediate disputes and exact reparations on the offending clan. Even though Celtic society centered around a warrior aristocracy, the position of women was fairly high in Celtic society. In the earliest periods, women participated both in warfare and in kingship. While the later Celts would adopt a strict patriarchal model, they still have a memory of women leaders and warriors. Celtic society was based almost entirely on pastoralism and the raising of cattle or sheep; there was some agriculture in the Celtic world, but not much. The importance of cattle and the pastoral life created a unique institution in Celtic, particularly Irish, life: the cattle-raid. The stealing of another groups cattle was often the proving point of a group of young warriors; the greatest surviving Irish myth, the TÃ ¡in BÃ ³ Cualingne, or The Cattle Raid of Cooley, centers around one such mythically-enhanced cattle-raid. There was no urbanization of any kind among the Celts until the advent of Roman rule; in Ireland, urbanization did not occur until the Danish and Norwegian invasions. Society was not based on trade or commerce; what trade took place was largely in the form of barter. Celtic economy was probably based on the economic principle of most tribal economies: reciprocity. In a reciprocal economy, goods and other services are not exchanged for other goods, but they are given by individuals to individuals based on mutual kinship relationships and obligations. (A family economy is typical of a reciprocal economy-parents and children give each other material goods and services not in trade but because they are part of a family). Religion From the nineteenth century onwards, Celtic religion has enjoyed a fascination among modern Europeans and European-derived cultures. In particular, the last few decades have seen a phenomenal growth not only interest in Celtic religion, but in religious practices in part derived from Celtic sources. For all this interest, however, we know next to nothing about Celtic religion and practices. The only sources for Celtic religious practices were written by Romans and Greeks, who considered the Celts little more than animals, and by later Celtic writers in Ireland and Wales who were writing from a Christian perspective. Simply put, although the Celts had a rich and pervasive religious culture, it has been permanently lost to human memory. We can make some general comments about Celtic religion based on the often-hostile accounts of classical writers. The Celts were polytheistic; these gods were ultimately derived from more primitive, Indo-European sources that gave rise to the polytheistic religions of Greece, Persia, and India. The Romans in trying to explain these gods, however, linked them with Roman gods as did the Romanized Gauls-so we really have no idea as to the Celtic character of these gods and their functions. We do know that Celtic gods tended to come in threes; the Celtic logic of divinity almost always centered on triads. This triadic logic no doubt had tremendous significance in the translation of Christianity into northern European cultural models. It is almost certain that the material world of the Celts was suffused with divinity that was both advantageous and harmful. Certain areas were considered more charged with divinity than others, especially pools, lakes and small groves, which were the sites of the cental ritual activities of Celtic life. The Celts were non-urbanized and according to Roman sources, Celtic ritual involved no temples or building structures-Celtic ritual life, then, was centered mainly on the natural environment. Celtic ritual life centered on a special class, called the druides or druids by the Romans, presumably from a Gaulish word. Although much has been written about druids and Celtic ritual practice, we know next to nothing about either. Heres what we can gather. As a special group, the druids performed many of the functions that we would consider priestly functions, including ritual and sacrifice, but they also included functions that we would place under education and law. These rituals and practices were probably kept secret-a tradition common among early Indo-European peoples-which helps to explain why the classical world knows nothing about them. The only thing that the classical sources attest is that the druids performed barbaric or horrid rituals at lakes and groves; there was a fair amount of consensus among the Greeks and Romans that these rituals involved human sacrifice. This may or may not be true; there is some evidence of human sacrifice among the Celts, but it does not se em to have been a prevalent practice. According to Julius Caesar, who gives the longest account of druids, the center of Celtic belief was the passing of souls from one body to another. From an archaeological perspective, it is clear that the Celts believed in an after-life, for material goods are buried with the dead. http://www.wsu.edu/~dee/MA/CELTS.HTM

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Knowledge Management Strategic Master Plan in Malaysia Essay -- Techn

INTRODUCTION In the new era millennium with the explosion of digital connectivity Malaysian government is using ICT application by launching the Knowledge Management Strategic Master Plan aiming in transform Malaysia to increase productivity, improve accountability, enhance transparency and facilitate public sector. Improved knowledge management is essential to governmental agencies at the national, regional or local rivals, because governmental organizations are basically knowledge-based organizations. Knowledge Management has also become one of the initiatives and trends in public sector from primarily developing countries (Syed Omar Sharifuddin and Fytton Rowland, 2004). Similar view has been expressed by Hafizi Muhamad Ali and Nor Hayati Ahmad (2006) based upon their research describe knowledge management is now becoming an undeniably important component in an organization’s intangible asset. Therefore, based on the authors of their articles, Knowledge Management shall be implementing as it does bring lots of benefit for the Malaysia Public Sector Environment in order to increase productivity, improve accountability and enhance transparency. DEFINING KNOWLEDGE AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Abdullah (2009) gives an explanation for knowledge as fluid mix of framed between experience, values, contextual information, expert insight and grounded intuition in order to provide an environment and framework for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information. This study addresses that KM applied in the minds of knowledge management in the simplest terms it means exactly that management of knowledge. Knowledge management incorporates ideas and processes from many different sources and technologies a wide variety of... ...red, and retained. Using structured organizational assessment processes offers public sector organizations an opportunity to examine and improve their operations and to create a workplace culture and climate that facilitates excellence. It challenges employees at all levels to focus on the mission and goals of the agency and to identify ways of working together as an organization rather than as individual processes and programs in order to provide the best possible services to constituents. A part of an organizations culture can provide the critical feedback that not only enables higher levels of performance but that also engages the workforce in a way that uses their knowledge and abilities in accomplishing the mission. The responsibility of agency leaders is to introduce, support, and sustain assessment. At its most fundamental, assessment is not just a process.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay examples --

The word â€Å"challenging behavior† can evoke feelings of frustration, anger, hostility or sense of helplessness in any parent, teacher or caregiver of a young child with behavioral challenges. Education.com (2006 - 2012) defines this term: as behavior that may impede with a child’s ability to learn, develop or play in a manner that is socially acceptable. They further define challenging behavior as behavior that could be potentially harmful to the child or others. This type of behavior in a young child, predisposes that child to social problems and academic failure (Klass, Guskin, and Thomas, 1995; Ritchie and Pohl, 1995). Marion (2011) defines challenging behavior as a stimulus that a child reacts poorly to, that in turn challenges the child’s parents or teachers to guide them in a positive manner. Current research indicates that children who have significant challenging behavior will have problems in school. They have issues with social skills, emotiona l control and language development. These insufficiencies contribute to the lack of skills to succeed in basic academic tasks such as reading (Coi, 1996). Traits that are often attributed to children who exhibit these traits are hyperactivity, inattentiveness and disruptive. Teachers are twice as likely to overlook them, ask them fewer questions and be low in positive responsiveness (Webster-Stratton & Herbert, 1994; Shonkoff and Phillips, 2000). Children with behavioral challenges face far greater difficulties with social and emotional development. Other children will tease and ridicule them, or reject them entirely. These experiences bruise a child’s self-esteem and confidence, they are left feeling depressed and isolated. Once a child accepts rejection, they fight or ... ...s, to difficulties in conflict resolution to academic success. Parents play a pivotal role in teaching their young children how to appropriately behave or react to a certain stimuli. Positive adult-child interactions such as respect, providing an environment that is not rushed, using calm tones and accepting differences go a long way in changing or guiding a child’s behavior (Marion, 2011). For some children how to react to a certain situation in a positive manner is innate. However, other children need to be taught the skills to productively and successfully navigate conflicts that might arise. This can be achieved through a Direct Model Plan, a PBIS or a Behavior Matrix (Carter & Pool, 2012) The goal of challenging behaviors is to prevent those behaviors from rising, by providing children with the skills to navigate successfully through difficult situations.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Best Buy Marketing Essay

Best Buy Inc. has been performing business and providing customers with products and services in the United States for over forty-three years. From what started as an idea and a small music shop in St. Paul, Minnesota, Best Buy Inc. now operates over 1,500 â€Å"big box† retail stores around the U. S. They have constantly grown to become the largest specialty electronics retailer in the entire world. With ventures expanding into other countries such as China, Mexico, United Kingdom, and many others, Best Buy has plans to develop stores, distribution, and networks throughout the world to better serve its customers as we become more dependent on our gadgets and technology in our everyday lives. While being the largest specialty electronics retailer in the entire world, Best Buy is not just about the products and services it sells. While our customers are the most important aspect of our business, Best Buy is focused on developing and helping its employees grow as professionals in the workplace and better their lives as a whole. Their mentality is that if our employees are empowered, engaged, knowledgeable, and able to go above and beyond their normal expectations, customer satisfaction and loyalty will be built. Strong lasting relationships amongst our employees and customers will drive our profitability and growth as a company. Mission Statement â€Å"Our formula is simple: we’re a growth company focused on better solving the unmet needs of our customers-and we rely on our employees to solve those puzzles. Thanks for stopping. † Core Values †¢ Unleash the power of our people Show respect, humility, and integrity †¢ Learn from challenge and change †¢ Have fun while being the best Core Philosophies †¢ Invite each employee to contribute their unique ideas and experiences in service of customers †¢ Treat customers uniquely and honor their differences – as segments and individuals †¢ Meet customers’ unique needs, end-to-end Company History Over the last forty-three years, Best Buy has grown from a single facing store to now boasting over 1,500 stores nationwide. Best Buy was originally started as a small audio-video and car stereo shop in St.  Paul, Minnesota, by a man named Richard Schulze. At the time, the small retail store was named the Sound of Music. In 1967, the Sound of Music obtained exclusive rights to Kencraft Hi-Fi and Bergo Company; which were the first of many acquisitions the company would make moving forward. With its immediate success, a second and third store was opened near the University of Minnesota and in downtown Minneapolis, respectively. In its first year of operation, the Sound of Music ended with gross sales totaling over $173,000. In 1969, the Sound of Music was introduced as a publicly traded company for the first time. In addition, three more stores are opened in and around the Twin Cities Area. A year later in 1970, they posted earnings and revenue which hit the $1 million dollar mark for the first time in the companies short history. In 1974, instead of operating out of each individual store, the Sound of Music opened their first headquarters located in Bloomington, Minnesota. They hired leadership staff and managers to help implement larger scale management direction and decisions. By years’ end of 1978, there were nine stores running in Minnesota. In 1981, a natural disaster shook up the small retail chain which seemed to be devastating, but little did they know it would provide insight into a new operating model that would lay the tracks for Best Buy moving forward. A tornado hit the Roseville, Minnesota store and the Sound of Music responded with a â€Å"Tornado Sale† which introduced low prices in a â€Å"no frills† retail environment that would be carried over to all surrounding stores. As a result of its success, stores averaged over $350 in sales per square foot versus the then industry average of $150 – $200 per square foot. Thus the beginning of Best Buy. In 1983, the Sound of Music’s board of directors approved the new corporate name, Best Buy C. , Inc, Shortly after; Best Buy opened its first superstore in Burnsville, Minnesota. From that point on, growth for Best Buy was inevitable. With its initial public offering on the NASDAQ, it earned over $8 million dollars in 1985. In 1986 the public stock offering raised over $33. 6 million dollars. This helped fund a 12 store expansion in Minnesota and surrounding states, Iowa and Wisconsin. Best Buy now operated in 21 â€Å"big box† retail stores with the â€Å"grab and go† store format and non-commissioned sales. In 1989, the Best Buy logo was changed to what it is today, the familiar angled yellow price tag with Best Buy in bold black letters. In 1993 Best Buy was deemed the nation’s second-largest consumer electronics retailer and was a staple and the epitome of retail prowess. In 1995 Best Buy broke into Fortune magazine’s annual ranking of America’s 500 largest corporations, listed as number 373. Best Buy also mandated and implemented a Standard Operating Platform (SOP), which was developed to support and manage every aspect of business within stores around the nation. Today, SOP is still around, but it has evolved as customer demands, employee needs, and the environment have impacted the way Best Buy store operate in their day to day operations. In 1999, Best Buy partnered with software giant Microsoft to cross-promote products going forward. Even today we see relevance of this as Windows 7 was recently promoted throughout Best Buy stores and commercials in order to drive business for both companies. They also were acclaimed by Fortune Magazine for being one of the top performing stocks since 1990. Since 1995, Best Buy has been ranked in Fortune’s top 500 largest corporations. In 2000 Best Buy launched BestBuy. com and entered the online retailing business to compete with many others who were entering into the cyber store front space. They have continued to grow through customer base and acquirement of many brands listed below. †¢ Magnolia Hi-Fi †¢ Future Shop †¢ Geek Squad †¢ Audio Visions †¢ Pacific Sales †¢ Jiangsu Five Star Appliances †¢ Carphone Warehouse Since 2001, Best Buy has also made strides to compete in the global market place making international acquisitions and efforts to expand into the United Kingdom, Canada, China, and Mexico. In 2001 Best Buy moved north to acquire FutureShop, a large Canadian electronics retailer chain, thus paving the way for eight Best Buy stores to open in the greater Toronto area in following years. In 2003, Best Buy also made efforts in the global market by opening its first global sourcing office in Shanghai, China, and later in 2006 they acquired Pacific Sales and a large portion of Jiangsu Five Star Appliance stores located throughout China. Finally, after two years of planning, research and development, Best Buy finally opened its first retail store in Shanghai bringing the low cost, warehouse style shopping experience to a very different market. Recently, in 2008 Best Buy acquired one of the largest cell phone distributors, Carphone Warehouse, in order to gain competitive advantage in the cellular device market. They also have begun to introduce Best Buy stores across and around the European countries as well as opening the first Best Buy Retail store just north of Mexico City.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Empathy Task Ww1 Yr.10 Assessment

EMPATHY TASK. WW1 BY Manon Collins The fog still clung to the ground. We could barely see two feet in front of us. The men’s voices were loud and projected off into the fog were they became lost and tangled in ‘No Man’s Land’ The grey sun seemed to be making it’s way up over the broken backs of the hills. The silhouettes of the men suddenly became clear. Faces dirty with mud, blood or anything that could be found in the trenches. Shoes without soles, shirts without sleeves we are the men of Ypres once of boy of 17 his only thoughts were of women.Now a man of 20 his eyes only peeled for the shadow of a man, the point of a bayonet, the fright full image of gas consuming a comrade’s lungs. Me and the other men had not yet experienced a gas attack but the stories spread across the trenches with the message ‘ Remember your mask’ The shadow loomed through the thickened fog with a will to kill. The envious green mist was determined to pu sh the boundaries. The word came ringing through the mist with great urgency ‘Gas†¦. GAAS’ The fumbling of men’s hands trying to grab a mask became the priority of our mission. There was no chance without a mask.The cry of a man without a mask rung out across the battlefield like a little girl who has lost her mother. Pivoting round only to spot Lindsay without a mask. The panic in his eyes was the last human characteristic that was displayed on his face. The gas consumed his lungs growing tighter each second. Not even I could imagine the pain that was growing in him. The whites of his eyes glowed amongst the blood that was starting to evolve around the creases of his lips. His hand opening and closing, his fingertips searching for something to clasp onto to stop the pain†¦ they fall upon the hem of my pants with a grip of an eagle.As he held my pants for his refuge the words he mumbled will never leave me. ‘Tel†¦tell them†¦tell them I s aid bye’. As his body became limp on my feet the words and noise of the other men became apparent again. ‘Lindsey gone, he is Gone’ ‘ Get the other men, we are going back’ Shoes without soles, shirts without sleeves we are the men of Ypres. Trudging back leaving the dead innocent body behind us all human dignity thrown out the window everyman swearing under their breath ‘When the war is done, never shall I touch a gun’

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

In this assignment, we would present our findings on whether Singaporeans are receptive to Telecommuting

In this assignment, we would present our findings on whether Singaporeans are receptive to Telecommuting. Telecommuting is the substitution of telecommunication for transportation, permitting work to be performed at a remote site anywhere except from the office. We conclude that Singaporeans are not very receptive to Telecommuting although Singapore is quite a technologically advanced country in Information Technology. A total of 20 respondents ( males and females) were asked to complete a survey form. Their age group was around 21-30 years of age. They were mainly made up of NUS students and system analysts. Among the 20 interviewees, 55% indicated that their current jobs do not require them to telecommute. Half of the 20 respondents spend on the average, 0-10 work-related hours in front of the computer every week. In addition, 90% of them feel that Telecommuting could not replace most of the jobs in Singapore. Below are the four highly topped responses that the interviewees made regarding their feelings towards Telecommuting in general. In the survey, 90% of those participating recognize that there is a loss in human touch while 85% of the interviewees feel that there is a loss in team cohesion. Telecommuting may cause a relative loss of synergy, because of reduced face-to-face contact, although electronic mail and on-line documentation can counterbalance this. Thus, Telecommuting results in less social interaction and reduced contact with the physical part of the organization (the office). This leads to isolation, loneliness and a reduced sense of identification with the organization and its members. The survey reported that 80% of the interviewees recognize that there is no need to commute with telecommuting. Telecommunication technology lets telecommuters transform almost any space into a workplace. Instead of going to work, telecommuters let work come to them. Time is saved too when the telecommuter does not have to travel to work. He beats the hassle of traveling to work and getting stuck in traffic jams. The time saved can be used to generating more output for his work. Moreover, 70% of those participating in the survey feel that they are able to spend more time with family and friends with Telecommuting. Telecommuting can help balance work and family demands. In this sense, Telecommuting can play a part in helping to bond the family together. When the parent does not have to leave home to go to work, he/she is able to spend more time at home with his family. The parent is able to show more concern for his children and spouse, as he/she knows what is going on in their lives. This will greatly improve the family cohesiveness. We found out that 65% of the interviewees think they are not able to work from home. This could be because Telecommuting requires unwavering self-discipline as telecommuters can make a choice between eight hours of work time or eight hours of web-surfing. The latter is of course more tempting. The reasons why Singaporeans are not receptive to Telecommuting might be due to three reasons. Singaporeans have a collectivistic culture and value team cohesion as well as membership. They are socialized to be emotionally dependent on organizations and institutions. As a result, Singaporeans are not used to the idea of Telecommuting. Firstly, the close proximity between family members due to Singapore's small physical size makes Telecommuting unfeasible. Secondly, the accessibility of Singapore due to its efficient transport network ensures that employees can commute between home and office quickly.

GUIDED READING ACTIVITIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

GUIDED READING ACTIVITIES - Essay Example They explain their stand and arguments by giving specific examples and referring to the relevant theories. In this regard, the claimed contribution to the current knowledge is the use of the dominant story in furthering ethical business conducts especially by the stakeholders of particular concerned companies. The authors of the article mainly use the dominant theory to discuss the essence of ethics in doing business in the contemporary world. They specifically state that the dominant theory is not consistent with the law in that the dominant theory puts the interests of the stakeholders first before considering the interest of the community, customers, suppliers, and the employers. In addition, the dominant theory is according to the authors resistant to change in that because of the priority given to the shareholders’ interests, the system becomes reluctant to accept change as it firmly believes in a hierarchical system of classifying various interests. Perhaps the most important feature of the dominant theory in this regard is that the dominant theory is inconsistent with the basic ethical rules. In many business environments, business ethics is a fundamental tool for ensuring that corporates operate in accordance with the international best practice. In this regard, it is appropriate to infer that the integration thesis applies to all business decisions and environments. The integration thesis states that nearly all decisions that are of business nature normally contain some element of ethics in them and the opposite is true. This means that ethical decisions also have some business implications. There is also the responsible principle that insists t hat almost everybody either want to or should take individual responsibility for the consequences of their actions. In the conclusion part, the authors offer some arguments for managing the shareholders especially if their interests seam to

Monday, October 7, 2019

The increasing cost of healthcare as new technologies are introduced Research Paper

The increasing cost of healthcare as new technologies are introduced - Research Paper Example nt of a variety of different diseases and ailments to a better degree, an underlying economic reality that is invariably represented has to do with the fact that the rapid level of technological advancement represented within the is causing an exponential growth with regard to the overall cost of healthcare. Essentially, the following research paper will be broken into four distinct components. The first of which is predicated upon seeking to define the problem and explain its overall relevance. The second relates to examining the problem from a variety of perspectives and utilizing economics as a means of educating the reader with respect to the complexities of the problem. Thirdly, the analysis will pose a potential solution to the problem and finally point out strengths and weaknesses associated with the proposed solution. It is the hope of this particular author that such a level of discussion and analysis will not only be beneficial with regard to understanding the issue but als o with respect to helping to correct it as future stakeholders will be able to recognize or issues and impact that continue to reduce the overall utility of healthcare by its cost ever upwards. By means of definition, the problem of technology and its growth is ultimately something of a double-edged sword. When one references the fact that limited levels of technology, exhibited during the early 19th century, created a drastically different Outlook for the patient, the reader can adequately see that a focus on improving medical technology and promoting development is as essential as any other aspect of the provision of quality care. Yet, as with any level of focus, it is necessary to understand the fact that there are other requirements that the healthcare profession must necessarily focus upon; not all of which are innately tied to the need to promote further levels of technology. In terms of analyzing this particular problem from a variety of economic perspectives, it should firstly

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Examine protocols for the interview process Essay

Examine protocols for the interview process - Essay Example Each applicant is given a time slice to respond to the questions asked. Behavioral interview- It is based on discovering how the applicant behaved in the past employment. This interview method depends on the assumption that the past experience and performance will most probably predict the future performance of the prospective employee. In this type of interview, the employer already has in mind the kind of skills needed for the job and will therefore ask questions to determine whether the candidate has those skills. The success of any applicant will depend on the precedent behaviour. Working interview- This is where the interview involves the applicant being given a task to perform and watched with a view of determining ability to perform such a task. Information is then gathered, analyzed and a final decision arrived at based on the findings. Stress interview- This is a case where some interviewers intentionally try to induce stress with a view of establishing interviewee’s ability to withstand stressing situations. This can be done by using several approaches for instance, by not accepting something said by the applicant as true or by firing questions to the applicant. Open-ended interview -This type of interview uses an open ended question that requires a more comprehensive response along with an explanation and justification from the interviewee. It eliminates direct responses such as yes or no, right or wrong. Before appearing for any interview it is worthwhile to research some facts about the company on areas such as company operations, markets and challenges facing the company. Some of the vital information needed may include among others; the goods or services sold or offered the number of branches and offices, existing markets and its potential room for expansion. This gives the interviewee confidence to face the interviewers and answer questions as

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Business Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Law - Assignment Example Peter accepted the price of $ 190 and Mary took the bicycle away. The case scenario deals with the conditions surrounding the formation of valid business contracts. A contract is defined as an agreement between two parties that creates legal obligation to the two parties to perform or abstain from performing a certain obligation or action (Farnsworth, 1991). A contract must entail an offer by one party and acceptance of the offer by the other party. The advertisement placed in the local newspaper by Peter is not an offer but an invitation to treat. Peter is inviting interested persons to make an offer for the purchase of the bicycle. Accordingly, advertisements are classified as invitations to treat since the seller can refuse to sell the item at price if it is mistakenly marked (Blum, 2007). The advertisement is displayed to a larger number of people with an undefined way of selecting whom to sell the bicycle. For instance, the advertisement does not clarify whether to sell the bicy cle to the first person to accept the labeled price. It this case, the advertisement is geared at generating interests and prolonging negotiations towards the formation of the contract (Stone, 2005). After the invitation to treat, Jonathan makes an offer to through a telephone to purchase the racing bicycle at a price of $ 160. However, rules of contract stipulate that the subject matter of contract must be present at the time of making the offer. According to the Uniform Commercial code,

Friday, October 4, 2019

Private enterprise system Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Private enterprise system - Research Paper Example The competitive nature of the economy, due to the capitalist system, makes it easier for consumers and firms to buy and sell goods and services freely. In a private enterprise system in its purest form all factors of production are privately owned and there is no intention from the government to set market prices or intervene in the economy (Gitman & McDaniel 2007). Due to the little intervention by the government market forces dominate the economy and the three basic questions in economics: 1) what to produce? 2) how to produce? and 3) for whom to produce? are determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply. 1. What goods and services to produce: it is the people who decide the mix of goods and services that should be produced and sold in the economy. The people demand those goods and services that they either need or want. Their needs and wants are based on the amount of income they have or wealth they possess to buy the goods and services. Firms then produce and supply th e goods and services that are demanded by the customers in order to maximize their profits. 2. How to produce the goods and services: as there are limited resources available to an economy, producers aim to use minimum resources to maximize output and profits. As a result firms use the most effective, efficient and least costly factors of productions to produce the goods and services desired by the consumers in the economy. 3. For whom to produce: as there are only a limited number of resources available hence only a limited amount of goods and services can be produced. People’s income is the major determinant regarding who gets the produced goods and services. Although firms produce the goods and services demanded by the economy, people with more income and more money at their disposal will dominate and be able to buy whatever they desire. Hence as can be seen the basic economic questions are answered in a private enterprise system by the decisions of producers, consumers an d the market forces of demand and supply. There are four economic rights in a private enterprise system. The fundamental right on which the whole capitalist system stands is the right to own private property. As the private enterprise system states that resources are privately owned, people have the right to buy, sell, own, use and transfer property. Some forms of property include land, machinery, building, equipment and private possessions. People won’t be able to sell goods and services if they are not allowed the right to own as they will not be able to transfer this right to others through an agreement. The second right that exists in a private enterprise system is that the business owners have the right to keep profits from their business activities after taxes have been paid. Profit is the reward for the business owners as he is the one who takes the risk of investing his privately owned resources in the business hence any income generated by the owner in excess of his costs becomes his profit which he is entitled to keep. Another important right is the right of freedom of choice. People in the private enterprise economy are free to choose their own job, find alternate jobs if they are not satisfied with the current, become part of labor unions, negotiate their wage with the employer, choose from a diverse range of goods and service or choose to set up their own business. As can be highlighted from these examples

Thursday, October 3, 2019

How Young People Represented in Eastenders and Hollyoaks Essay Example for Free

How Young People Represented in Eastenders and Hollyoaks Essay Eastenders is a British Soap Opera, first broadcast in the UK on BBC1. It’s about people who works and live in the frictional London Borough of Walford in the East End of London. The scenes usually around the Albert Square. This soap originally played in the TV as two half-hour episodes per week since 2001, for episodes are broadcast each week. It is one of the UK’s highest rated programmes. It’s created by two person called Julia Smith and Tony Holland. Hollyoaks is a long running British Soap Opera firs broadcasted on Channel 4 in 1995. It’s created by Phil Redmond and Directed by Ross Knowles and Robert Duffey. This programme is set in a fictional suburb of Chester called Hollyoaks. Scenes usually around the education college called Hollyoaks Community College. The characters are people who are in their late teens or early twenties. The series are filmed at Lime Pictures. There are many conventions in the soaps. Cliff hangers are is a practice of ending of an episode which leaves the character in a seemingly impossible situation or something really exciting happens. The purpose of this that it makes the story so interesting which makes people want to watch the next episode of the soap. Moralistic storylines are usually main theme of the story; the lesson the main character learns. Usually people who watching the soap learns from that storyline. For example for a moral storyline is could be that: a girl steals another girl’s roller-skate, the moral in this that stealing is wrong. Multiple storylines are means in a soap that lots of different lines going on. For example that a lady has a baby, someone had a car crash, while the school burnt down. Realism is also important for a soap opera because who watching it has to believe in that it’s ‘real’. For example people can’t sell a pen which cost 50p for  £20.000 because it’s not realistic. Soaps are passing on social messages such as: drunk driving, young pregnancy, taking drugs and so on. The writers passing these messages to do not do any of these by showing their consequences. If people see that 5 people dies because the driver was drunk they might not going the drive when they drinking. Characters from Eastenders I’ve chosen are Stacey Slater and Bradley Branning. Stacey had arrived in Watford at the age of 15 and she stayed with her uncle Charlie. She had been causes troubles with her behavior. She had been thrown out because of her behavior. She falls in love with Bradley BranningStacey represented like a bad teenage girl with lots of boyfriends. She also had taken drugs in the past. She not very educated. She worked at a stall. She was pregnant but had an abortion. Bradley represented as a quite clever teenage boy. He has a good job at the bank. Was in a relationship with Stacey. He sexually harassed by his boss. He flirted with lots of girls/women. He flirted with her colleague as well. I’ve chosen these characters because I thought they are exciting to me. Characters from Hollyoaks are Ste Hay, He has some wicked ways. It hasnt all been plain sailing for him. A job at chez brought him into the flight path of one Brendan Brady and so began the twisted love/hate/love/hate/love romance that is Stendan. All sorts of obstacles have come between them pregnant girlfriends, fitness instructors, angry wives and long lost sons; however it was Brendans issues with his sexuality and his propensity for violence that stopped them truly being together. Leanne Holiday is a blonde, petite, button-nosed; Leanne looks all sweetness and light. She first came to the village as fiancà ©e to Lee Hunter, who was returning to the village after a five year absence. Hardcore fans will have followed their engagement in the online drama Fresher’s. Wandering eyes from both parties soon caused trouble in their relationship, Leanne snagging Doug and Lee falling for Amy. She always chases boys. Young people in Eastenders represented more badly, in there are young pregnancies and other bad stuff going around the young characters. In Hollyoaks the young people are mostly represented as a studying respectful teenager. So the young people in Eastenders represented most likely as bad, while in Hollyoaks they are represented as goods. I think in Eastenders and Hollyoaks young people are represented in the way how the young people act or behave in the real life. Some young people having in trouble some of them are behaving well and doing their work and just being normal.

The Intelligence Gathering Debate

The Intelligence Gathering Debate There has been a lot of terrorism attack patterns and behaviors since the 1990s. This prompted change from most of the organizations on a global platform in as far as how they handled intelligence. The September 11 terrorism attack on the USA soils prompted a heavy presence of change in the security measures taken to protect the country.   The events brought to light in the fact that there are many threats facing the country as technology continues to advance. It also brought to light the impact that the events had on operations and intelligence in USA. Its important to have constant and up to date intelligence in order to counter terrorism. As the USA congress reckoned in its report on national commission on terrorism, good intelligence is always the best weapon against terrorism. This means that there needs to be firm policies and dedicated leaders so as to ensure a safer future for coming generations (Karmon, 2009). The intelligence agencies like the NSA, are responsible for providing the most sensitive information that would help enhance security measures for a country. Mostly, there never seen and they have sources everywhere. This ensures success on their missions even though they are never reported. Once they succeed, they ensure vigorous prosecution, proper convictions and safety.  Ã‚   Chris Anderson Invited Edward Snowden to a debate on TED talk to talk about the revelations that earned him many titles from traitor, whistleblower and even hero. In the past, there was little knowledge as to how far intelligence agencies would go to protect the country as they say. Snowden brought to light how human privacy had been breached. This information questioned whether the existing government was a government for the people. It also raised questions on how safe personal information from bank accounts to phone calls and also email transactions was (Snowden, 2014). Snowden was working for the NSA in Hawaii as the system administrator. He would gain access to sensitive classified files which in time he would share to the media journalists. This was due to disturbance that the revelation had caused him. He believed that the NSA did a lot of good things to assist the community, some of which were necessary but also needed limitations. He believed that for some drastic measures to be taken the public had to be made aware and also asked for approval. Being that he knew things that he shouldnt have, the only way to protect himself was to expose what he knew to the journalists. Similarly, he got the information out to the American people. Section 215 of the patriot act, allows for access to metadata. This means that warrantless wire taping, mass surveillance and recording of phone calls can be done. However, that requires court approval. In the years after the September 11 event, a lot of metadata were done secretly. Also a lot of different technology companies were brought into the fishy programme, commonly referred to direct access (Snowden, 2014). Most of this programs were operated without warrants and thus most of the American people information was been looked into by many farms. This was a total invasion of privacy and obstruction of law by the same people who claimed to protect it. This was and is a potential threat to most Americans as information and data can be easily manipulated. This moves by the NSA not only managed to cause distrust amongst American people towards the government, but also managed to destroy existing and future working relationship with other countries. So, as much as the government claims to have the best interest for the country, Americans have had to pay a price that they shouldnt have (Snowden, 2014). It also question the congress responsibilities. They acted unconstitutionally. Snowden clearly won the debate because, for one most of the obtained information hasnt helped in protecting the country against terrorism and two, he helped the Americans to be more aware of the current and the future running governments. References Karmon, E. (2009). The Role of Intelligence in Counter-Terrorism. Taylor Francis Online, 1. Snowden, E. A. (2014). How we take the internet. TED, 1.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Autonomy and Responsibility: The Start of Labor Unions Essay -- Essay

Autonomy and Responsibility: The Start of Labor Unions The late nineteenth century was a time of great change for people everywhere. Industries became staples of society in almost every major city; farming became more efficient due to steel and machines, and more jobs were available because of all the new industries. Between 1865 and 1900, the number of people employed in manufacturing rose from 1.3 million to 4.5 million. Working conditions were terrible, providing long hours, low wages, and unhealthy conditions. Millions of people were denied the basic amenities that their labor made possible for others.1 When reviewing drive for monopolies, Edward Bellamy, author of Looking Backward, wrote that "The individual laborer, who had been relatively important to the small employer, was reduced to insignificance and powerlessness against the great corporation, while at the same time the way upward to the grade of employer was closed to him. Self-defense drove him to union with his fellows."2 The people wanted their independence and proper treatment from their employers, so they formed labor unions to achieve this goal. The employers were responsible for properly compensating them for their work, but yet they failed to do so until the laborers fought back. The start of such labor unions as the National Labor Union, The Knights of Labor, and the American Federation of Labor asserted the autonomy of the common worker. One significant labor union was the National Labor Union (NLU). In the summer of 1866, union leaders called a congress of labor organizations at Baltimore. At this time, seventy-seven delegates representing 60,000 workers launched the NLU. The NLU worked towards their main goal of obtaining an eight-hour wor... ...se their labor force. Notes 1. Sean Dennis Cashman, America in the Guilded Age, 2nd ed. (New York: New York University Press, 1988), 235. 2. Cashman, 236. 3. Cashman, 238. 4. Cashman, 240. 5. Cashman, 237. 6. Louis M. Hacker and Benjamin B. Kendrick, The United States Since 1865 (New York: F. S. Crofts & Co., 1932), 224. 7. Cashman, 250. 8. Hacker, 225-226. 9. Hacker, 227-228. 10. Hacker, 229-230. 11. Harold U. Faulkner, Politics, Reform, and Expansion 1890-1900 (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1959), 87. 12. Hacker, 233. 13. Faulkner, 88. 14. Hacker, 231. 15. Cashman, 255. 16. Eric Foner and John A. Garraty, ed. The Reader's Companion to American History. 1991. 1 March 2000 http://www.historychannel.com/historychannel/thisday/, 1. 17. Hacker, 232. 18. Foner, 2.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Comunist China And Civil Rights Violations Essay -- essays research pa

China is famous throughout history for both Tieneman square, and capitol punishment . These are each examples of human rights violations. Communist China's one child policy Is yet another example. China's one child policy was stared in 1979 as an attempt to solve their overpopulation problem. The policy states that every couple in China is allowed only one child. In order for a couple to have a child they must first have a birth coupon issued by the government before giving birth to the child. "Birth Quotas" are determined in order to have surveillance of the people who have all ready had their single child allowed to them born. The women of China must deal with their menstrual cycle being monitored publicly to stop the possibility of having a second child. They also must face pelvic examinations if they are even suspected of being impregnated. Any unauthoized pregnancies are terminated by an aboution regardless of the pregnancies progression. Graphically, The baby's head is crushed and then pulled out of the woman, just to name one of the many grusome abortion practices, killing the baby, and torturing the woman. The Chinese law has horrible effect's on the country's major population. Many Infant's are abandoned, or brutally killed at home to cut down upon expenses and fines issued by the government. In 1993 ultrasound machines were in mas importation to China, however in 1993 the use of these machines ...

Brain surgery and brain disorders

The encephalon may be the most of import portion of the organic structure, excepting the bosom. Without the encephalon the homo could non execute normal actions that differentiate worlds from other animate beings. Problem work outing and holding the capacity to ground are a twosome of illustration of this. Without the encephalon we could non walk, talk, hear, touch, or odor. The encephalon is astonishing in its ain manner because it has the ability to modify nervous connexions to better get by with new fortunes, which is defined as encephalon malleability. To better specify this, people use encephalon malleability when they have half their encephalon removed by surgery, to populate with one half of the encephalon. The encephalon will hold to take acquisition of anything wholly otherwise because it has this ability. Peoples who have encephalon tumours removed learn otherwise but merely every bit good due to malleability and are besides based on the upset and location of the surgery The encephalon is divided in hemispheres ( right and left ) and so into lobes. The chief lobes are the frontal lobes, temporal lobe, occipital, and parietal. The frontal lobe has to make with higher thought and has the ability to acknowledge future effects ensuing from current actions. The temporal lobe trades with the audile portion of the encephalon, besides known as hearing. The occipital lobe is the ocular processing centre of the encephalon. The parietal lobe ‘s map is process esthesis and perceptual experience. Of these lobes, there are so many different parts that the lobes are divided into. Learning mainly trades with the prefrontal cerebral mantle, intellectual cerebral mantle, striate body, amygdaloid nucleus, and the hippocampus. From these, the hippocampus plays an of import function in long-run memory and spacial pilotage. These parts form a system of cognitive memory. It besides forms a system of behavior memory, which is supported by the amygdaloid nucleus, stria te body, and the cerebellum. Our ability to larn and consciously retrieve mundane facts is called declaratory memory. When 1 has new experiences, information ab initio enters the on the job memory, a impermanent signifier of declaratory memory. Surveies on animate beings have shown that nerve cells in the prefrontal cerebral mantle maintain relevant information during working memory and can unite different sorts of centripetal information when required. To better understand how the encephalon accomplishes larning and memory, one must understand the narrative of a individual known by his initials, H.M. H.M. as a really immature male child developed terrible epilepsy. Epilepsy is a chronic neurological upset characterized by recurrent motiveless ictuss. He received surgical intervention which involved the remotion of the median part ( in-between ) of the temporal lobe which in bend alleviated him of his ictuss. He now has terrible memory loss and can merely retrieve recent events for a few proceedingss and can non organize any memories of new experiences. Despite all of this, he can retrieve his childhood really good. From observations recorded of this, research workers concluded that the median part of the temporal lobe every bit good as the hippocampus play an of import function in change overing short term memories. Harmonizing to a survey in an article entitled â€Å" Mathematically talented kids: developmental encephalon features and their forecast for wellbeing † by Michael W. O'Boyle, patients who received encephalon surgery have seen consequences that to some may look dry. The right hemisphere controls the originative side in the human organic structure. The left hemisphere controls the logic side. Yet in this research, people who have tumor removed in their right hemisphere be given to be more originative than those of regular encephalons. Understanding the cause of the encephalon tumour may assist scientist and physicians likewise diagnose tumours in the hereafter without scans or biopsies. As of now the cause of primary encephalon tumours are unknown because they are rare, there are many types, and there are many possible hazard factors that could play a function in the visual aspect of the tumour. Some familial conditions increase the hazard of encephalon tumours, including Li-Fraumeni syndrome and Turcot syndrome. Tumors occur at any age, but many specific tumours have a peculiar age group in which they are most common. Testing for encephalon tumours may be most effectual when 1 shows symptoms but the physician is non 100 % certain about naming it as a encephalon tumour. Several types of trial may corroborate the presence of a encephalon tumour and place the location. The trial may be one of the followers: CT scan of the caput, EEG, CT-guided biopsy, scrutiny of intellectual spinal fluid, and MRI of the caput. On the right is the illustration of encephalon mestasis after the CT scan. Treatment of the encephalon tumour may affect surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Treatment besides depends on the size, location, type of tumour, and general wellness of the patient. Goals of intervention are non ever the remedy of the tumours. Other ends may include alleviating symptoms and bettering encephalon map or the individual ‘s comfort. Obviously, surgery is necessary for most primary encephalon tumours. Some tumours may hold the ability to be wholly removed. Others deep inside the encephalon m ay be debulked, surgically taking portion of a malignant tumour, which can non be wholly removed. Complications of the remotion may include loss of the ability to interact or map, return of tumour growing, increased side effects of medicines which include chemotherapy, and increased side effects of radiation interventions Memory can be defined as the cognitive procedures whereby past experiences are retained and recalled. Memories can besides be divided up into many subdivisions. The most common 1s are the short-run and long term memories. There is besides one more in that fits in the general subdivisions of memories, which would be the centripetal registry. The centripetal registry is non thought of frequently but entails retaining information in a extremely accurate manner until new information of stimulation is present. Although this type of memory can take in a batch, the keeping of this is minimum ( up to ? 2nd for ocular memory and 2 seconds for audile memory ) . Memory does play an of import function in larning after encephalon upsets or surgeries. Depending on the location of the encephalon upset, memory may be processed otherwise. Harmonizing to an article entitled â€Å" Epilepsy Study Shows Memory Loss After Brain Surgery † by the web site â€Å" ScienceDaily † , post-surgical epilepsy patients have a important loss in verbal memory. This memory is associated with acquisition, callback, and acknowledgment. The article goes on to state that after three months, patients with surgery performed on either the right or left hemisphere showed marks of epilepsy. This ab initio was thought to be the consequence of the injury of surgery. However, 12 months subsequently 30-50 % of those patients who experienced surgery to the left temporal lobe showed no recovery of verbal memory, while patients who had surgery on the right side of their encephalon regained their memory. â€Å" Brain Surgery Boosts Memory For Parkinson ‘s Patients, University of Florida Research Shows † besides by â€Å" ScienceDaily † describes how people with Parkinson ‘s Disease are holding Pallidotomy surgery, which involves preciseness combustion of a little topographic point in the encephalon, provides alleviation for many patients from some of the shudders and musculus stiffness associated with the cardinal nervous system upset. Rehabilitation after the remotion of a encephalon tumour would likely include physical therapy, address therapy, and occupational therapy. Brain tumours and their intervention may do palsy. They may besides do failing and jobs with balance. Physical healers help patients recover strength and balance. Speech therapists aid patients who have problem speech production, showing ideas, or get downing. Occupational healers help patients larn to pull off activities of day-to-day life, such as feeding, utilizing the lavatory, bathing, and dressing. Children with encephalon tumours may hold particular demands. Sometimes kids have coachs in the infirmary or at place. Children who have jobs larning or retrieving what they learn may necessitate coachs or particular categories when and if they return to school. Not all surgery for encephalon tumours is safe. Harmonizing to an article entitled â€Å" Stereotactic Radiosurgery for metastatic encephalon tumours reduces hazards of acquisition and memory jobs: Addition of whole encephalon radiation to intervention regimen consequences in greater acquisition and memory jobs † by â€Å" The Medical News † describes how adding whole encephalon radiation to the Radiosurgery doubles the hazard of developing larning and memory jobs. Eric Chang M.D. depict how physicians are seeking to orient therapies for the specific patient, instead than the antique â€Å" one size fits all † attack. Location is an of import factor in remotion of the encephalon tumour. Brain tumour may non be malignant ( unsafe to wellness ; characterized by progressive and uncontrolled growing ) and perchance lethal if the status does non distribute. Symptoms of encephalon tumours besides vary by location every bit good as size. Giliomas, malignant encephalon tumours, let go of the neurotransmitter glutamate at toxic concentrations. This kills off nerve cells in their locality, doing room for the tumour ‘s enlargement. The released glutamate explains ictuss arising from tissue environing the tumour. An spread outing tumour can increase force per unit area within the skull, doing concern, purging, ocular perturbations, and impaired mental operation. Peoples who have encephalon tumours removed are capable to larn merely every bit good as people with â€Å" normal † encephalons due to malleability can besides be based on the upset and location of the surgery. Without research of many, people would non be able to populate with half a encephalon as mentioned before. Research has besides shown that certain types of memory such as verbal memory do play an of import function in larning after encephalon upsets or surgeries. Without engineering progressing many could non hold preciseness combustion of a little topographic point in the encephalon which would assist those with Parkinson ‘s disease. But at the same clip non all encephalon surgeries are safe. Without instruction, people with normal would non cognize the capablenesss of those with encephalon tumours.Work CitedBlackwell Publishing Ltd.. â€Å" Epilepsy Study Shows Memory Loss After Brain Surgery. † ScienceDaily 14 October 2004. 31 October 2009 & A ; lt ; hy pertext transfer protocol: //www.sciencedaily.com ­ /releases/2004/10/041014081055.htm & gt ; .â€Å" Brain tumour – grownups. † Google Health. Google. Web. 03 Nov. 2009. & A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //health.google.com/health/ref/Brain+tumor+-+adults & gt ; .â€Å" Brain Tumor Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis Information on MedicineNet.com. † Medicine Net. Web. 01 Nov. 2009. & A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www.medicinenet.com/brain_tumor/page9.htm & gt ; .â€Å" Brain tumour – . † Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia. 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